About us

CLMD has over 50 year experience amongst its senior team. The teaching and assessing teams are appropriately qualified and maintain good CPD records.
CLMD works with a number of organisations and bodies to develop the centre and provide the right level of service for our clients. Our resources are suitable and we are always seeking to develop these in line with the needs of our clients.
We proactively review our services taking into account the feedback from candidates and staff to ensure that our service is delivering what we promise.
CLMD is a training provider delivering vocational courses in the areas of Business, Management, Administration, Health and Social Care and Child Care. We also work with other providers in supporting Hair and Beauty and Construction courses.
Our accommodation at the centre is fit for purpose and includes examination rooms, counselling room and computer stations. The provision for learners consists of teaching as well as computer facilities. The reception area has computers for learners to use outside of scheduled classes.
The team at CLMD deliver vocational training and business advice and support to local businesses.
Our staff are of a high calibre and have the appropriate expertise, qualifications and knowledge for the respective courses and client groups.
Our courses are supported online to help learners access materials and gain additional support.
CLMD works with employers to facilitate placements, apprenticeships and sustainable employment.
CLMD supports learners by taking into account their individual needs and what they hope to gain from the programme they are undertaking. This guides the teaching and learning strategies.
We understand that many elements may affect learner including social needs and therefore we try to take a holistic approach to support learners.
Staff work on a one-to-one basis with our learners and clients. This helps to develop a relationship and foster an individual approach to each candidate’s learning. CLMD affords candidates the tools to take ownership of their own learning.
Our Initial screening and further diagnostic testing help us to understand where candidates are at the outset so that their learning journey can be planned to best focused to address their specific learning development needs.
We also offer additional support that may be needed by clients. This is highly beneficial to clients and many after a period of individual support show significant improvement. through to completion.