1.      Policy Statement

CLMD is an assessment centre that provides vocational training and qualifications for our local communities. We believe that engaging and working in partnership with the employer in their employees learning and development assists the learners in their qualification journey and ensures that their training and development is fit for purpose and is an important component in learners’ attainment of their goals.

2.      Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to set out our commitment to engage employers in their employees training and development and to keep them informed on their progress and development.

3.      Scope

This policy covers all vocational curriculum offered by CLMD, including apprenticeships, vocational qualifications, functional skills, short courses and specialist subjects at award and certificate level.

All employees involved in the delivery of vocational qualifications and training.

4.      Roles and Responsibilities

CLMD is responsible for ensuring that employers are engaged in their employees learning and development and qualification journey.

Manager’s Responsibility

The Managing Director Bridgette Pollard is responsible for ensuring that a copy of this document is available to all employees and that the policy and procedures are reviewed annually.

The Operations Director and Team Leaders are responsible for ensuring the adherence of this policy by all employees. Team leaders are responsible for supporting assessors with issues with learners and involving employers as appropriate.

Marketing Team

The marketing team are responsible for running marketing campaigns to increase awareness, creating resources that engage employers in our provision, marketing the company to employers, providing them with bi-monthly reports, carrying out quarterly meetings and ensuring yearly questionnaires are completed. They will also undertake regular review of local economic intelligence and hold discussions with local partners, with the aim of identifying key sectors and trends.


Assessors are responsible for involving employers (or their representatives) in progress reviews and maintaining good working relationships with learner workplace mentors.

Individual’s Responsibility

Individual employees are required to act in accordance with the policy, to enable employer engagement. Failure to do so may be considered as an act of misconduct and may result in disciplinary action.

5.      Policy Implementation – Procedures

CLMD will engage and work in partnership with employers through:

  • Marketing & Employer Communication Marketing our service offer to potential partner employers.
  • Making partner employers aware of new training and development opportunities for their employees.
  • Providing bi-monthly reports of learner progress.
  • Inviting employers to take part in quarterly ‘Keep in touch’ meetings (dependant on employer needs – may be more often).


  • Measuring employer satisfaction through yearly employer surveys.
  • Offering training packages which respect the needs of the business as a whole and impact positively on the business
  • Handling enquiries promptly and efficiently and reviewing standards of customer service regularly
  • Managing and maintaining a data base of employer contacts

Management Processes

  • Providing high quality assessors and trainers through robust recruitment and selection and training and development processes.
  • Acting promptly to respond to feedback and/or complaints in order to improve services
  • Continuing to evolve and improve the training offer, offering teaching and learning strategies which motivate, stimulate and encourage the learners as well as meeting the employer’s requirements
  • Building bespoke training courses to meet the needs of partner employers.
  • Keeping up to date with government policy and advice, Eternal Quality Assurance Agency, Sector Skills guidance; awarding bodies and qualification frameworks and informing partner employers of changes relevant to their business

Delivery Processes

  • Working with employer mentors
  • Engaging employers in optional unit choices to ensure the needs of the business are met.
  • Completing 8 weekly progress reviews with learners and their line managers
  • Setting SMART targets and performance indicators which measure and monitor success and lead to an improving trend.

Quality Assurance Processes

  • Completing robust Internal Quality Assurance processes to ensure quality of delivery
  • Using employer feedback to improve our provision and marketing strategies
  • Regular performance reviews and observations of the people delivering training solutions
  • Regular review and development of the resources available for training.
  1. Find an Apprenticeship Service

We will make employers aware and advertise their positions on the service at https://www.findapprenticeship.service.gov.uk/apprenticeshipsearch

This will give information which will be clear and concise

  • Employment location geographic and mileage
  • Training, on and off the job
  • Day to day duties for the job
  • Apprenticeship level
  • Certificate gained at the end of the apprenticeship
  • Prospects after they complete their apprenticeship
  1. Review

This policy is updated annually.