Section 1 – General Statement of Intent

CLMD recognises and accepts its legal responsibilities for health and safety as detailed in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. It is the policy of the Company to develop and ensure a safe, healthy and supportive environment for all employees, learners, contractors and visitors, and will ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to achieve and maintain such an environment. The Company is committed to achieving a measurable, progressive improvement in health and safety performance, with legal requirements establishing a minimum acceptable level.

The objectives of the Health and Safety Policy are to:

  • Promote standards of health, safety and welfare that comply with the provisions and requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act and all other relevant statutory provisions and Approved Codes of Practice;
  • Define health and safety responsibilities for staff, learners, visitors and contractors;
  • Promote a positive health and safety culture throughout the Company;
  • Provide and maintain a safe, healthy and supportive working/learning environment;
  • Ensure that safe systems of work are in place to ensure the safety of employees, learners and others who may be affected by the Company’s activities;
  • Ensure that risks are managed by the process of risk assessment and the implementation of suitable risk control systems and workplace precautions;
  • Provide all employees with the necessary information, training, instruction and supervision in order that they may work safely and to ensure competence in their delivery of health and safety training to learners;
  • Ensure effective communication and consultation with staff, learners and others affected by Company activities;
  • Promote high standards of health and safety awareness and practice for Measure and review health and safety performance regularly with the aim of continuous improvement.

Health and safety is a key line management responsibility and the Company is committed to ensuring that it is an integral part of the core management activity. The Company will accept its collective role in providing health and safety leadership and will lead by example in communicating and promoting this policy. Health and safety is an important management responsibility, and support, training and advisory services will be provided to managers in order to assist them in the implementation of this policy.

Methods of monitoring the implementation of the policy, measuring performance and auditing health and safety will be devised and will be based on the Health and Safety Executive Guidance document HSG65.

The Company will review health and safety performance annually and will ensure that health and safety matters are considered at Company meetings held throughout each academic year.

The Company recognises its responsibilities under legislation to the local community and is committed to reducing the impact of its activities on its surrounding environment helping to build a sustainable environment.

The health and safety policy will be reviewed annually, with additional reviews initiated if a major change to premises or activities were to occur.

Risk Management

One of the main aims of this policy is to support the Company’s general risk management strategy in reducing and managing the risk of non-compliance with statutory health and safety legislation. It is essential to ensure that matters relating to occupational hygiene, environmental health and personal safety for learners, staff, visitors and contractors, receive at all times due priority.

The risks of failing to comply with the Health and Safety Policy and procedures include injury to learners, visitors, staff and contractors; enforcement, prosecution, poor publicity, financial loss, and inadequate records/negligence that invalidates insurance policies.

Employer’s premises and work places for learners have their own Health and safety check and this is also undertaken with the check on the Insurance details dates of expiree. This will be re assessed prior to the due date and will have also risk assessment taking place by assessors on each visit both for their safety and that of the learners.

First Aid Responsibilities

  • The Health and Safety Manager will ensure that the First Aid Policy and Procedures are reviewed from time to time.
  • The Health and Safety Manager will ensure that suitable and sufficient assessments are carried out to ascertain first aid needs.
  • Heads of Department in liaison with Lead First Aiders will ensure that minimum numbers of First Aiders, identified in the first aid assessment, will be provided.
  • The Health and Safety Manager will ensure that First-Aiders, as identified by Departments, are offered training to a competent standard, which includes refresher training.
  • Heads Department will ensure that arrangements are in place for a suitable budget for training and re-training of First Aiders.
  • The Health and Safety Manager will ensure that suitable first aid equipment is provided.
  • Heads of Department in liaison with Lead First Aiders will ensure the suitable first aid notices are displayed, which detail names of First Aiders and contact information.
  • First Aiders will ensure that all first aid treatments are recorded in the legally prescribed accident book.
  • Heads of Department will ensure that the policy is followed for first aid arrangements are catered for in examination rooms and other activities such as project work and field trips.
  • The Health and Safety Manager will ensure that audits are carried out periodically to ensure the effectiveness of first aid arrangements.
  • The safe learner and Staff concept should take place in all aspects of work and learning.

Name: Bridgette Pollard

Managing Director

Signed:     B Pollard

Dated: 12 April 2019

Annex  1


Please complete the Provider Premises Health & Safety Assessment below for each of your venues where you will be delivering training – we will go through your responses with you when we come out to visit as part of the assessment process.

PROVIDER NAME ……………………………………………………………………………..

1Health and Safety PolicyYes/NoEvidence / comments
AAre the responsibilities for health and safety clearly stated (recorded when 5 or more employees)?
BHow are the arrangements for health & safety communicated to employees and learners?
CIs the Health & Safety at Work poster on display & contact details completed?
2Risk assessment and controlYes/NoEvidence / comments
AHave risk assessments been carried out and significant risks identified?
BHave control measures been identified and put in place as a result of the risk assessments?
CDo the risk assessments take into account young persons, including giving consideration to their age, inexperience, immaturity and lack of awareness of risks?
DHow are the risks and control measures explained to employees and others?
3Accident, incidents and first aidYes/NoEvidence / comments
AHave adequate arrangements for first aid materials been made?
BHave adequate arrangements for trained first aid persons been made?
CAre accidents and first aid treatment rendered recorded? Is there an Accident Book?
4Supervision, training, information and instructionYes/NoEvidence / comments
AAre employees and learners provided with adequate competent supervision?
BIs initial health and safety information, instruction and training given to all new employees and learners on recruitment?
5Work equipment and machineryYes/NoEvidence / comments
AIs correct machinery and equipment provided to the appropriate standards?
BIs equipment adequately maintained? 
CHow often does PAT / electrical / gas testing take place?
6Personal protective equipment and clothingYes/NoEvidence / comments
AIs PPE/C provided, free of charge, to employees as determined through risk assessment?
BIs training and information on the safe use of PPE/C provided to all employees and learners?
7Fire and emergenciesYes/NoEvidence / comments
AIs there a means of raising the alarm and fire detection in place?
BAre there appropriate means of fighting fire in place?
CAre effective means of escape in place including unobstructed routes and exits?
8Safe and healthy working environmentYes/NoEvidence / comments
AAre welfare facilities (toilets, washing, drinking, eating, changing) provided as appropriate and maintained?
BIs COSHH recording being carried out? 
9General health and safety managementYes/NoEvidence / comments
AHow does the provider consult and communicate with employees and learners and allow them to participate in health and safety?
BDoes the provider have access to competent health and safety advice and assistance?
CDoes the provider review health and safety annually?
DDoes the provider display the necessary signs and notices?


Please supply contact details of the senior person within your organisation with overall responsibility for learner health and safety matters.

NAME ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

CONTACT ADDRESS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


TELEPHONE NO. …………………………………………………  E MAIL ……………………………………………..


The Company – CLMD

Managing Director –the Director with overall responsibility for the management of the Company.

Senior Management Team (SMT) – the team consisting of the Managing Director and senior staff

Managers – means Managers of all levels who manage either a function, or staff, or both. Supervisors – means any person who is nominated as such.

Staff – means everyone employed by the Company.

Learner – means any person enrolled on a learning programme being provided by CLMD.

ESFA – means Education Skills Funding Agency.

PPE – means Personal Protective Equipment.

DSE – means Display Screen Equipment.

HSE – means Health and Safety Executive.

Section 2 – Organisation

  • Introduction

The Health and Safety Policy will be divided into three distinct sections as follows:-

Section 1 – General Statement of Intent -the general aims and objectives of the Health and Safety Policy, signed by the Managing Director.

Section 2 – Organisation – the organisational arrangements in place for implementing the aims and objectives, signed by the Managing Director.

Section 3 – Arrangements – specific procedures to be adopted by SMT, Managers, supervisors, staff, learners, visitors and contractors in order to ensure the provision of a safe, healthy and supportive environment.

The system in place for the management of health and safety at the Company will follow the guidance laid down in the HSE publication HSG65 ‘Managing for Health and Safety”

The six key elements of the HSG65 management system are:

  1. Policy
  2. Organising
    • Competence
    • Control
    • Co-operation
    • Communication
  3. Planning and Implementation
  4. Measuring Performance
  5. Reviewing Performance
  6. Auditing

The way in which the Company aims to achieve these six elements is laid out below. Those sections in italics are quotes from HSG65 and its associated booklet INDG275 ‘Plan, Do, Check, Act”

2.2          Policy

The Company has adopted various policies and procedures which complement the aims and objectives of the Health and Safety Policy.

2.3          Organising

Health and safety must be owned by all Company employees and everyone must be committed to ensuring continuous improvement in the provision of a safe, healthy and supportive environment. Staff must not ignore hazards which they identify but should make safe those situations. Staff must ensure that they display best practice at all times and set a good example to learners and visitors. Should any employee be found to be negligent and in any serious breaches of their health and safety duties, disciplinary action will be taken against them.

  • Competence – “If all employees are to make a maximum contribution to health and safety, there must be proper arrangements in place to ensure that they are competent”. Managers need to be aware of relevant legislation and how to manage health and safety All employees need to be able to work in a safe manner and all learners need to be taught to do so by competent people.
  • Control – “Control is the foundation of a positive health and safety culture”. Managers must identify key objectives for health and safety within their area and act upon them. Managers must provide clear direction and take responsibility for their area.
  • Co-operation – “Participation by employees supports risk control by encouraging their ‘ownership’ of health and safety policies”. The Company will endeavour to encourage co-operation by ALL to help ensure the development of a positive health and safety culture
  • Communication – “Effective communication on health and safety relies on information coming into the organisation; flowing within the organisation; and going out from the organisation”. Effective communication is key to ensuring that the Health and Safety Policy is implemented within the Company. The Company will endeavour to provide ALL with relevant information. Managers are tasked with passing on relevant information to their staff and acting on any feedback that may arise from such Health and safety matters will be communicated by the following methods:
  • Representatives of Employee Safety
  • Student Health & Safety Representative
  • Company Safeguarding Officer
  • At staff and student inductions
  • General Student Health & Safety Induction presentation
  • Online Student Health and Safety Induction Quiz
  • Mandatory staff health and safety training sessions
  • Internal Company publications (termly/annual reports )
  • Email
  • Memos
  • Health and safety notice boards
  • Student Guide
  • Health and safety section of the Company intranet site

Formal consultation regarding the Health and Safety policy and related procedures will be via the Health and Safety Committee. Where local changes are required; staff that are directly affected will be consulted via focus groups with the appropriate managers.

  • (i) Information, Instruction and Training – Provision of such is a legal requirement.

Health and Safety Policy

Electronic copies of the Health and Safety Policy will be held at the following locations:

  • Company intranet site
  • Company Web Site
  • Health and Safety Training – All staff must successfully complete the health and safety training within their first week of employment (and any updates as and when released) Staff with management responsibilities (i.e. Support Managers etc) will be given the appropriate training allocated by Company HR It is the responsibility of line managers to ensure that all staff within their area complete the required course within a reasonable timeframe.

The responsibility for requesting/arranging health and safety training for specific tasks at a local level (e.g. risk assessment, COSHH risk assessment, manual handling, etc) will lie with line managers. Advice on suitable training courses and providers can be obtained from the Health and Safety Officer.

  • Staff Induction – It is the responsibility of line managers to ensure that all new employees complete the Managers Induction Checklist (available on the intranet). This must include (but not limited to) reading the Health and Safety Policy and any departmental risk assessments and ensuring that all new employees are briefed on emergency procedures and all health and safety aspects pertinent to their
  • Student Induction – All course tutors must deliver the Company Student Health and Safety Induction (to all learners at the beginning of each course. All full time learners (and significant part-time learners) must also complete the online Student Health and Safety Induction quiz (available via Moodle).

For all short courses, it is the responsibility of the course tutor to provide a health and safety briefing at the start of the first session. A more specific health and safety induction is to be delivered to learners in certain working areas (e.g. kitchens, labs, machine shops, workshops etc.) to ensure that they are informed of area specific hazards, risks and controls.

Each time a student is introduced to a new hazardous activity (including the use of hazardous substances), it is the responsibility of the lecturer to ensure that all the hazards and control measures are explained to them. The lecturer must be confident that the student has understood the risks before they are permitted to commence the activity. It is the responsibility of the lecturer to ensure that all student inductions are recorded and kept on file.

2.3.6    Responsibilities

(i)             The Managing Director

The Managing Director Bridgette Pollard has overall responsibility for health and safety within the Company. The Managing Director, through the management structure, will ensure that safe working and learning conditions are implemented and maintained across all aspects of Company provision.

The Managing Director is the designated Health and Safety Office for the Company and is responsible for:

  • Chairing the Company’s Health and Safety Committee, which has the responsibility for devising and monitoring the Health and Safety Policy and related procedures;
  • Ensuring that the Company successfully manages health and safety, and;
  • Ensuring that, within the resources provided for the Company, there are adequate staff, funds and materials to support the effective implementation of the Health and Safety

Also see (iii)

(ii)           Company Managers

All Senior Staff have overall day-to-day responsibility for an operational area of the Company and must ensure the implementation and operation of the Company Health and Safety Policy within their area of responsibility. Main responsibilities include:

  • Having direct responsibility for all health and safety matters within their area;
  • Ensuring that appropriate resources are allocated to ensure that effective health and safety measures are introduced and maintained;
  • Bringing to the attention of the Health and Safety Dept. any high-risk activity which cannot be adequately controlled by use of departmental resources;
  • Ensuring that all staff fully understand their responsibilities as outlined in this Health and Safety Policy and its related procedures;
  • Ensuring that all staff and learners within their area of responsibility are provided with a suitable health and safety induction;
  • Ensuring that safe methods of working exist in accordance with recognised procedures;
  • Ensuring that written procedures and codes of practice exist (where necessary) and are applied These must be reviewed annually or when there has been a significant change;
  • Ensuring that staff and learners are instructed in safe working practices and corrective action taken where necessary. In particular, learners in high-risk areas must be supervised at all times
  • Ensuring that all plant, machinery and equipment is in good and safe working order, maintained and serviced as appropriate, adequately guarded and that all reasonable steps are taken to prevent unauthorised or improper use
  • Ensuring that appropriate protective clothing and equipment is available and used, where relevant, at all
  • Ensuring that hazardous substances are correctly used, stored securely, labelled and that COSHH data sheets and COSHH risk assessments are written and hard copies are available;
  • Ensuring that hazards are identified with appropriate signage and all health and safety information is communicated to relevant persons;
  • Ensuring that risk assessments exist for all areas, equipment/machinery, and activities, where significant risks have been identified; and that they are reviewed and revised as necessary;
  • Maintaining standards for their area for the improvement of health and safety (this should be incorporated in the SAR for the area);
  • Cooperating with the Health & Safety Department to undertake an annual walk around inspection audit and ensuring that progress of the action plan is discussed and recorded during team meetings and/or any other appropriate forum;
  • Ensuring that any health and safety concerns that they are unable to remedy are formally reported to the Company Health and Safety Department, and;
  • Communicating health and safety matters to the staff within their area as soon as they become aware of

(iii)          The Health and Safety Officer

The Health and Safety Officer is responsible for:

  • Establishing and implementing an effective health and safety management system;
  • Raising the awareness and profile of health and safety across the Company;
  • Implementing and monitoring procedures to ensure that good health and safety standards are maintained encouraging a good Health & Safety culture;
  • Ensuring that wilful breaches of the health and safety regulations by anyone using Company premises, be they staff, learners or visitors, are reported to a member of the Senior Management Team;
  • Monitoring risk assessments, safe systems of work, methods of work, maintenance, cleaning of plant and machinery in all departments and ensure that they comply with manufacturers’ recommendations;
  • Monitoring and ensuring that arrangements exist for emergency procedures covering fire, explosion and accidents/incidents/near misses;
  • Delivering (where requested) staff development and staff induction sessions on health and safety matters;
  • Monitoring company first aid arrangements reporting statistics to the Health & Safety committee
  • Implementing and maintaining health and safety inspections using both internal and external resources where appropriate;
  • Providing specialist health and safety advice across Company as required and ensuring that designated safety representatives are aware of key issues that affect their designated areas;
  • Seeking specialist advice as required and endeavouring to reflect accepted best practice within the Company health and safety procedures;
  • Ensuring the systematic reporting of health and safety matters under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 and assisting where appropriate, with investigation of accidents/incidents at work, near misses and any complaints;
  • Reviewing health and safety procedures and assisting with the implementation and monitoring of specific health and safety objectives;
  • Ensuring that each academic area receives an annual (as a minimum) health and safety walk around inspection and audit
  • Being the main link between the Company and its funding bodies on matters of health and safety (including the reporting of learner incidents).
  • Ensuring the Health and Safety Officer(s) carry out the employer Work Placement checks within the agreed timescales, in line with the current HSE guidelines, the company Health & Safety Work Experience Procedure

and notifying the relevant teams of any subsequent issues

(iv)          Employee Responsibilities (all staff)

Staff are reminded of their legal obligations under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 as summarised below:

  • Take reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and of other persons who may be affected by their actions or
  • Co-operate with the Company so far as is necessary to enable that duty or requirement to be performed or complied
  • Not to interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health and
  • Any employee must inform the Company of –
    • Any work situation which a person would reasonably consider represented a serious and immediate danger to health and safety; and/or
    • Of any matter which a person with the employee’s training and instruction would reasonably consider represented a shortcoming in the employer’s protection against arrangements for health and safety.

Employees are also responsible for:

  • Familiarising themselves with the Company Health and Safety Policy and related procedures relevant to their role;
  • Ensuring that learners are informed of health and safety regulations, rules and procedures and that learners and other staff in their area of work apply these effectively;
  • Ensuring that unauthorised or improper use of plant and machinery does not occur in their area of work;
  • Using the correct equipment and tools for the job and any protective clothing and safety equipment supplied in a proper manner;
  • Ensuring that hazardous substances are correctly used and stored;
  • Reporting immediately to the reception any defects in the premises, plant, equipment and facilities, which they observe and, take an active part in promoting health and safety, and;
  • Ensuring that any visitors to the site that they are responsible for:
  • Sign in and are issued with a visitor lanyard and visitor information card (containing H&S information);
  • Are adequately supervised at all times;
  • Receive a health and safety induction including procedure for fire evacuation (where necessary – i.e. for contractors and/or other visitors that may need to be left unsupervised); and
  • Sign out and return their visitor

Teaching & Assessment Staff

The health and safety of learners is the responsibility of the person teaching them whilst they are in the learning environment. In addition to the responsibilities of all staff (as detailed above), Teaching staff are also responsible for:

  • Ensuring that all learners receive the Company Health and Safety Induction presentation during their induction week.
  • Ensuring that learners receive training in the Company fire and emergency procedure (and more specifically for the building(s) in which they will be taught);
  • Ensuring that all learners that will be learning in a high-risk area (e.g. workshops, labs, kitchens etc) receive an area specific induction before being permitted to work in the area. The induction must be recorded and must cover the following elements as a minimum (as per ESFA guidelines):
    • Emergency arrangements (fire, accidents and first aid);
    • Any significant risks that may affect them (for example, machinery and equipment, manual handling, hazardous substances, slips, trips and falls etc);
    • Control measures for the above (for example, safe systems of work, supervision, protective and preventative measures, training and instruction, signs and notices etc);
    • Supervision arrangements (and who is responsible for them) and the contact (if not the supervisor or instructor) for any health and safety concerns;
    • Any restrictions or prohibitions that apply to the learners (for example, equipment, processes, areas, systems);
    • Any personal protective equipment or clothing that they must wear, why this is so, and when and how they should wear it;
    • Location of welfare facilities (toilets, drinking water etc.), and;
    • General “do’s” and “don’ts”.

(v)           Learner Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of each individual student to take reasonable care of his or her own health and safety and not to act in a manner that places others in danger.

In particular, all learners must:

  • Be familiar and comply with, fire and emergency evacuation procedures;
  • Assist teaching staff and technicians in maintaining good standards of housekeeping;
  • Use plant, machinery and equipment only when authorised to do so and in accordance with instructions;
  • Use the correct equipment and tools for the job and any protective clothing and safety equipment required in a proper manner;
  • Report immediately to their tutor, any defects in the premises, plant, equipment and first aid facilities which they observe;
  • Report immediately to a member of staff, any accidents, incidents or near misses, and;
  • Take an active interest in health and

Learners must not interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare (e.g. misuse/discharge of fire extinguishers). Such behaviour should be dealt with appropriately i.e. disciplinary action by the Company, and may also result in prosecution for a breach of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.

The Company will provide a health and safety induction (and area specific health and safety induction where appropriate) to ensure that learners are aware of their health and safety responsibilities.

(vi)          Visitors

It is the responsibility of all visitors to take reasonable care of his/her own health and safety and not to act in a manner that places others in danger. In particular, visitors:

  • Must comply with instructions given by members of staff;
  • Must not tamper with emergency equipment;
  • Must wear a visitor lanyard;
  • Must bring to the attention of staff any health and safety issues, and;
  • Must wear personal protective clothing/equipment where indicated.

A copy of the emergency evacuation procedure is on the back of the site map and should be provided to all visitors by a member of the reception team upon their arrival at reception.

(vii)        Functions of Safety Representatives (both union and non-union)

The functions of Safety Representative are defined in the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977 (as amended) and as laid down in locally negotiated agreements.

These functions include:

  • To represent employees in consultation with the Company under section 2(6) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974;
  • To investigate potential hazards and dangerous occurrences at the workplace (whether or not they are drawn to his/her attention by the employees he/she represents) and to examine the causes of accidents at the workplace;
  • To investigate complaints by any employee he/she represents relating to that employee’s health, safety or welfare at work;
  • To make representations to the Company on matters arising out of the above;
  • To make representations to the Company on general matters affecting the health, safety or welfare at work of the employees at the workplace;
  • To carry out workplace inspections in accordance with Regulations 5, 6 and 7 of the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977 (as amended);
  • To represent the employees he/she was appointed to represent in consultations at the workplace with inspectors of the Health and Safety Executive and of any other enforcing authority;
  • To receive information from inspectors in accordance with section 28(8) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, and;
  • To attend meetings of safety committees where he/she attends in his capacity as a safety representative in connection with any of the above functions.

2.4         Planning and Implementation

Planning is the key to ensuring that the Company’s health and safety efforts really work. Planning for health and safety involves setting objectives, identifying hazards, assessing risks, implementing standards of performance and developing a positive safety culture.

  • Risk Control – The aim is to eliminate risks where possible, or to reduce the risk to as low as is reasonably practicable where elimination is not possible. Risk assessments must be used to decide on priorities and to set objectives for eliminating hazards and reducing risks. Wherever possible, risks should be eliminated through the selection and design of facilities, machinery/equipment and work/learning If it is not possible to eliminate the risk completely, the risk must be minimised through the use of physical controls (e.g. machine guarding) or, as a last resort, through safe systems of work and personal protective equipment.
  • Department Planning – Directors/Managers must ensure that their risk assessments are up to date and cover all areas/activities within their area of responsibility. Directors/Managers must also ensure that department budgets include any resource proposals for dealing with any high risk activities identified that are not already adequately controlled. Consequences of failure to provide the required resources must be made clear to
  • Performance Standards – Key performance standards will be set. These will be used by Directors/Managers in order to measure their health and safety performance. Other more specific performance standards will need to be set by Directors/Managers when planning and measuring health and safety performance within their
  • Self-Assessment Reports (SARs) – Managers of curriculum areas are responsible for identifying weaknesses within their health and safety performance/risk control systems and providing details of how they plan to make the necessary improvements within the SAR completed for their department.
  • Reporting Defects – Any defects to Company buildings, fabric of buildings and external areas on Company premises must be reported to the Managing Director.

With regards to defects in equipment/machinery, it is the responsibility of the Directors/Managers to ensure that they have a reporting and rectification system in place for the equipment/machinery that they are responsible for.

  • Reporting Hazards – It is the responsibility of all employees to report any item/situation that they believe to be hazardous to the respective Manager (if they are unable to deal with it themselves). Hazards that pose an immediate risk must be reported by telephone to the Managing Director.
  • Insurance – It is the responsibility of the Managing Director to ensure that the Company (and its subsidiaries) has adequate Employee and Public Liability insurance cover in Copies of the Certificate of Employers’ Liability Insurance will be displayed on the health and safety notice boards (located within the main entrance to each of the Company buildings) and made available electronically on the health and safety section of the Company intranet.
  • Risk Assessment of Staff and/or Learners with Disabilities/Medical Conditions/Behavioural Problems – Staff and/or learners with disabilities/medical conditions/behavioural problems that may affect their safety whilst working/learning will need to have their own PEEP assessment carried out by either the tutor/lecturer, relevant Student Support Assistant, or a member of the Health and Safety team. This includes those learners enrolled on part- time and leisure courses. It is the responsibility of staff to report the need for such an assessment to either the relevant tutor/lecturer, Student Support Assistant or Health & safety Office as soon as they are made aware of any potential issues (i.e. during interview, enrolment, or following review of completed Health Forms

2.5         Measuring Performance

  • Health and safety performance need to be measured to find out if the Company is being successful. Active Monitoring (before things go wrong) – involves regular inspection and checking to ensure that standards are being implemented and management controls are
  • Annual Walkaround Inspection and Health and Safety Audit – It is the responsibility of the Health and Safety Officers to arrange and carry out an annual (as a minimum) walkaround inspection and health and safety audit for each academic and Company support department as per the Departmental Health and Safety Inspection Procedure (see section 3 ‘Arrangements’). Following each audit, a full report will be produced, and Managers are expected to ensure that all items on the action plan are carried out within the agreed timescales.
  • Risk Assessment Review and Audit –Managers are responsible for ensuring that all areas/activities within their area of responsibility have been risk assessed and that such assessments have been recorded and are reviewed at least annually (please note that reviews should take place more frequently where the activity/area is deemed as either medium or high risk). Managers must ensure that any new activities that are being considered for the forthcoming academic year are risk assessed before the activity commences to ensure that suitable controls are in place.

Risk assessments will be reviewed and monitored by the Health and Safety Officers during Annual Walkaround Inspections and Health and Safety Audits.

  • Reactive Internal Inspections (after things go wrong) – involves investigating injuries, cases of work-related illness, property damage and near misses in order to identify in each case whether performance was substandard, and if so, why.

(vi)      Accidents/Incidents/Near Misses – the Accident Reporting and Investigation procedure can be found on the company intranet system under Health & Safety (see Section 3 ‘Arrangements’). All accidents, incidents and near misses must be reported via the online system that can be found on front page of the Company intranet system.

Accident/Incident/Near Miss statistics will be submitted for discussion during Health and Safety Committee meetings.

2.6         Reviewing Performance and Auditing

  • Introduction –

External auditing may be carried out by Fire Officer inspections, Insurance Company inspections, other providers of work-based learning/work experience where the Company is the employer, HSE inspections, and external auditors (where appointed).

  • Self-Assessment Reports (SARs) – The Company is required to conduct and record a self-assessment report. As part of that process, the health and safety performance of each department should be considered and compared against the standards set for that year. New standards by which health and safety performance can be measured for the forthcoming year must also be These must then be reviewed as part of the SAR review process.


This policy will be reviewed annually, following any incident, or legislative changes.